"When an affliction happens to you, you either let it defeat you, or you defeat it.." - Rosalind Russell

April 16, 2009

feeling better

This weeks been much better- I bought a new bed so I am no longer on an air mattress with a hole (I had to blow it up every night and before I took a nap). I think that contributed a lot to my fatigue because now I feel a lot more energetic and rested. I also picked up hot yoga again. I thought it would kick my ass, but I didn't have to sit out more than once which is about the usual. It felt great to stretch and release. In any case, I feel good now. The tinglies are also a little better

I finally talked to my mom as well. My dad has had her cell phone all along, and so she was unaware of my calls even if she wanted to talk to me (and I just realized today that she had a hospital phone- duh). I made my dad give her the phone and we talked for a bit. She said she can't stand being in the hospital, complains about everything and is basically the worse patient ever (and knows it). She doesn't want to do her physical therapy and apparently she asks for the nurse or the doctor every chance she gets. I told my dad that I bet the nurses fight over who has to take her. She has had tons of visitors which is great. I asked her about being sedated in the ICU and if she could remember anything about the experience. She said that she didn't want to talk about it because it upset her. Basically she said the whole experience has made her rethink her life and now she wants to be healthier. She also said that when I come visit next week that I can help her with her therapy. That will be interesting... I will kick her butt into shape! I'm used to physically conditioning little gymnasts so I'm going to have to be a little easier on her... Not that she'll listen to me anyways ;)

1 comment:

  1. Your mom definitely has some 'attitude' right now! But I think it's great - it will help her recover faster. And I love the Toomer cartoons, especially the one with the tennis ball - a little twisted, but that's what makes it so funny....

    Hope we get to see you when you're home...

