I spent my day off yesterday in the clinic- getting scanned. First I had a CT scan, which includes of course drinking a quart of chalky berry-flavored contrast. It's not really that bad, but I have an hour to drink it. I finished it in 2 minutes and just sat there bored. The scan itself wasn't bad, I've done them so many times. I won't know the results until Monday, or when I schedule my next appointment. I'm not really worried though- I just had a PET and that was fine
Scan number two was a mammogram. This was new to me. First of all, everyone kept reminding me of the question "why are you here?" I'm under 30, with a weird cancer that isn't known to be linked to breast cancer. Plus, since Basic Health won't cover it, it would cost $700. I just figured, why not? it's on Swedish's bill anyways. Turns out my nurse was an ovarian cancer survivor too. She told me that she asked to scan me after reading my chart. We chatted about my experience and she encouraged me to go to one of the support groups, as well as an organization that promotes physical activity by planning hiking trips and offering classes in swimming, yoga, etc. She joined and now races dragon boats. Pretty cool. She also said that she still goes to the support groups and that there are a few younger women, and some others with clear cell. However, she said she always felt a little bad because she was a 8 year survivor and some of the women in the group had active cancer and were late stage 4. The survivors guilt often got to her but she assured me that it was still worth attending the group. In any case, I'm motivated to join a group.
The boob smasher machine itself was weird. It didn't hurt despite the fact that I had to put my boob between two plastic scanners. I had tO put my arm up while the nurse positioned me for proper placement. It was fast and I only had to wait for ten minutes before the doctor called me in to review the scan. As expected it was fine. However when I asked where the cyst was that I've had forever was located, she said that she couldn't see it. Then she said that this was an example of easy it is to miss early breast cancer, even with the most detailed scan
I wrote this a week ago so I did call for another appointment to get my results. The nurse said the CT scan was fine, which I knew was the case. And, I finally got approved for Avastin, and so I start next week!
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